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Divorce and Family Law Attorneys

Child Visitation Fathers’ Rights Lawyers

Child visitation is the paramount legal issue for parents and children. Most courts encourage a continuing connection between parents and their children. This means that, in most cases, the non-custodial parent will be able to continue his or her relationship with the child on an ongoing basis. If you need legal counsel concerning child visitation as either the custodial or non-custodial parent you should consult with us. Because our practice is devoted to representing husbands and fathers in family law and divorce matters, we are we focus exclusively on family law matters for divorcing men, we are well-versed on the state regulations and procedures involved in determining family matters.

Divorce Lawyers for Staten Island, Brooklyn, Monmouth & Middlesex Counties

If you are having problems with visitation rights as either the custodial or non-custodial parent, you may have to go to court to resolve the issue. You will benefit from the legal representation of competent Staten Island divorce attorneys who can ensure that your rights as a father are protected through the courts. If you are the non-custodial parent you must continue to make child support payments to avoid becoming the subject of an enforcement application.

The non-custodial parent can generally obtain visitation rights from the court for frequent and meaningful visits with his or her child. Depending upon the logistics of where the parents reside, various visitation schedules can be arranged, such as weekends, holidays, or overnight stays during the week. Courts favor allowing a child to continue a relationship with both parents and will deny visitation rights to a parent only if it is in the best interests of the child.

If you have visitation rights and are being denied visits by your ex-spouse, you must seek help from the courts. If you are a custodial parent who wishes to change or deny visitation rights of your ex-spouse upon legitimate grounds, you also must go through the courts. In our practice as Staten Island child visitation attorneys, we can provide experienced legal help in any matter concerning visitation rights.

Contact us at the firm today for legal counsel in any matter concerning child visitation.

Have Questions?

We Have Answers!
  • My Child Is 6 Years Old, and My Former Partner Is Not Paying Child Support; Is It Too Late for Me to Seek Support at This Time?
    No, it is not too late. Your child is entitled to receive child support until age 21, you can file for child support for the child at any time before the child reaches the age of 21. With that said, all cases fact sensitive and you may want to consult with Attorney Dow before filing an application.
  • Do I Need to Live in New York to File for Divorce in New York?

    Before you can obtain a divorce in New York State, you must meet one of the following residency requirements:

    • The parties resided in New York as husband and wife, and either party lived in New York for one year or more prior to filing.
    • The cause of action occurred in New York, and either party lived in New York for one year or more prior to filing.
    • The cause of action occurred in New York, and both parties live in New York at the time of filing.
    • Either party has lived in New York for two years or more prior to filing.

    The court cannot maintain jurisdiction over a divorce action unless one of these five residency requirements exists. Any challenge to residency must be raised during the divorce proceedings, and will not be entertained post judgment.

  • Can the Family Court Divide Our Property Without Us Going Through a Divorce?
    No, the Family Court does not have the power to divide marital property. Only the Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to distribute property and to grant divorces.
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